Winter kite flying at Lake Harriet January 8
But I, and many kite flyers, did get out on the lake in 2006.
To keep a kid’s attention, a melted marshmallow or two
Of course as the lake is frozen, skating may be in order,
or just walking with the dog, under kites, next to tykes.
A simple stroll, will do.
There were huge kites, with a puffed up Blue Meanie
and assorted friends,
The 2007 Winter Kite Festival was also unable to be held on either of the two dates. However Mr. Kite and many friends returned in 2008, and shared a line.
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources offered ice fishing lessons and lines to the youth, for free. I am fairly sure the fish were not threatened.
Even some teens were impressed.
The large kites were impressive as were their lines, and the anchors in the ice.
And many kids of all ages flew their more modest craft. The East Harriet Neighborhood Association supplied many of the volunteers and served up hot cocoa.
captured more images of the services the neighborhood association and others groups assisting in 2009. The event is free and you should bring your kite (and camera), but inexpensive kites are available at the site.
The volunteers help in conducting free medallion hunts, and lead snowshoe excursions.
Much like the huge kites floating above, some immense horses made a profound presence as they pulled the free wagon ride.
It was interesting how the two horses maneuvered together; timed team work with such natural rhythms. The fish kept away from the chase just as naturally.
But, but, , the fish was too big to fit through the hole! As a blue fish shaped kite swam the wind just above heads.
The following year, 2010, a huge bear appeared, an outstandingly large bear with HUG ME on its chest.
The new mixed with the old, the huge with the bold, as kids danced with the bear.
Still Mr. Fish evades my bait, as lines are tussled, and kites towed.
Kite Flying for Individual Private Marriage Functions, Corporate Events, School Competition and Special Occasions.
National Kite Festival Events
Kite Fighting Competition
Kite Making Competition
Inter School Kite Competition
Kite Painting
Kite Exhibition and Knowledge Programm
kite club india
Kite Flyers India
Branding and Advertising With Kites
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