Mid-Michigan Kite Club
South Jersey Kite Fliers
Space Coast Area Kiteflyers (Florida)
St. Augustine Sport Kite Club (Florida)
Sun Coast Kite Club (Florida)
Dakota Kite Flyers (Eastern South Dakota)
"This club is dedicated to getting outdoors, flying kites, and sharing the activity with others. Ultimately my hope is that we will be able to get the local children outside and flying kites safely and responsibly." - Randy Witkop, president
Padre Island Buggiers (Texas)
Southern California Sport Kite League
Southwest Washington Kite Association
Hawaii Kiteflyers Association
Avalon Kite Fliers Club (Newfoundland, Canada)
Canberra Kiting (Australia)
PhuongHoang (Phoenix) Kite Club (HoChiMinh City)