Merry Christmas to all my kite Flyers Friends
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Merry Christmas
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International Kite Flyer Abdul Malik Passes Away
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The Dieppe Kite International
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The Dieppe Kite International is the most renowned kite festival in North America.
The best kite flyers in the world, from several countries, come to Dover Park in Dieppe, New Brunswick, Canada to fly multi-colored kites of all shapes and sizes in the sky above.
The first Dieppe Kite International took place in 2001. The goal was to offer an event that was original, full of colors and of international calibre.
The festival owes a lot of its success to the collaboration of internationally renowned kite flyers. Their participation at the Dieppe Kite International made it a first class festival and helped promote and market kite flying as a highly respected activity.
The Dieppe Kite International is now an annual event comprised of three types of activities: kite flying, community activities and cultural activities. Event Listing
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International Kite Festival Ahmedabad
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International Kite Festival 2012- Gujarat India
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International Kite Festival 2012- Gujarat India
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Washington State International Kite Festival
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Bristol Balloon Fiesta
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Blossom Kite Festival 2012 on the National Mall in Washington, DC
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China Sets Record for Flying Most Kites
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Kite World Records
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Death By Kite
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Kite Club | Kite Flyers India| Kite Club Ahmedabad | Kite Club India | Indian Kitist
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World Disable Day - Special Kite Flying From Kite Flyers India |
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World Disable Day - Special Kite Flying From Kite Flyers India |
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World Disable Day - Special Kite Flying From Kite Flyers India |
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World Disable Day - Special Kite Flying From Kite Flyers India |
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Smallest International Kite Flyers India - Vibrant Kite Club |
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World Disable Day - Ahmedabad 2011
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Today is World Disabled Day / - i have organize kite festival tomorrow for over 500 disable and handicapped people at Manthan - Hajipur, Kalol Gandhinagar Dist. - Help Disabled People and Give Smile
World Disable Day - Ahmedabad 2011
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Largest Circular Kites - Limca Book Of Records
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Patang ( The Kite) Film
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Kite Club India |
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Single Link Kite King Cobra |
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3D Radar Kite - Vibrant Kite Club India |
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Kite Workshop - Vibrant Kite Club Ahmedabad |
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Vibrant Kite Flyers Club India |
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Kite Flying For School Student - VKFC INDIA |
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Kite Making Vibrant Kite Flyers India |
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Kite Workshop - Best Kite Club India |
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Octopus Kite - VKFC |
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International Kite Festival Gujarat, India |
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International Kite Festival Ahmedabad, India |
Sri Lanka Kite Festival - Mehul Pathak - Kite Flyers India |
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Bat Kite - Vibrant Kite Club India |
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3D Kite - Indian Kitist |
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Boat Kite - Vibrant Kite Flyers Club India |
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40m Long Cobra Kite |
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Kite Club | Kite Flyers India | Kite Club India | Kite Club Ahmedabad
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World Kite Club List
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108 Kites Club - Located in Vilnius, Lithuania.
30 Kite Club - Located in Genova, Italy.
4 Seasons Kite Club - Home for the Michigan Sport Kite Classic featuring single, dual, and quadline competitions, demonstrations and displays.
Adelaide Kite Flyers Association - Australian Kite Club in Adelaide.
Aerialis Kite Club - Located in Norway.
Ahmedabad Kite flyers Association - Located in Ahmedabad, India.
A.I.A.T. - Italian Power Kiting Association
All Japan Sport Kite Association (AJSKA) -
American Kitefliers Association - With over 4,000 members in 35 countries, the American Kitefliers Association is the largest association of kiters in the world.
American Kitefliers Association - Region 2 - A source of information for kite fliers in the American Kitefliers Association Region Two, which includes: New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and lower New York.
Asociacion Espanola de Kite Buggy (AEKB) - The National Kite Buggy Association of Espanola/Spain.
Associated Oregon Kiters (AOK) - Oregon's state wide kite club. Oregon, USA
Augassantas Kite Club - Kite Club in Spain.
Australian Kite Association - Australia's Premiere Kite Flying Association.
Australian Kiteflyers Society - The AKS is Australias largest kite society and was formed by kite-flyers in 1978.
Avon Kite Flyers (UK) - Kite club in Bristol, England.
Back 2 the Wind Kite Club - A Kite Club in S.W. Michigan, USA.
BaToCo - Argentinean Kite Club.
Bay Area Sport Kite League - The Bay Area Sport Kite League organizes and runs sport kite events in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Black Rock City - Department of Tethered Aviation. - An annual club gathering at Burning Man, in Northern Nevada, USA.
Black Swamp Air Force - Located in Toledo, Ohio
Blue Sky Kite Club - Located in Luxembourg / Europe
Brighton Kite Fliers - UK Club from the southern coast of England. Organisers of the Brighton kite festival.
British Buggy Club - For UK based parakarters. Provide insurance and other very important advice.
British Columbia Kitefliers Association (BCKA) - Based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (Southwest).
British Kite flying Association (BKFA) - A new kite organization in the UK.
Canadian Kite Federation - A new National kite organization in Canada.
Canadian Kite Riders - In Ontario, Canada
Central New Jersey Buggy Club - In New Jersey
Central Texas Kiteboarding Association - Founded in 2002 in Central Texas - USA
Cervia Volante - Official Website of Cervia Volante in Italy.
Chicagoland Sky Liners Kite Club - The kite club serving Northern Illinois
Cleeve Common Flyers - UK - A traction kiters club, that is based in the Cleeves common area of the UK.
Coastal Bend Sky Pirates - A Club in south Texas region, around Rockport, Fullerton, Corpus Christi.
Connectikiters Kite Club - We fly kites in Connecticut just for the Fun of it!
Crobatic North Winds Tivolivola Association - A kite club in Tivoli-Roma, Italy. Founded in 2000.
Current Chasing Kite Club - A club and kite manufacturer in Shenzhen, China. Stared in 2003.
DAKO - Dallas Area Kitefliers Organization. This is a club in the Dallas, Texas area.
Dakota Kite Flyers - In the South East area of South Dakota, USA.
Dansk Drage Klub -
Dark Horse Kite Fliers - Formed in 2008 in Fano, UK.
Doldrums Kite Club - Kite club in Gauteng, South Africa.
Drachen an Der Leine - A Kite/Drachen Club from Hannover, Germany, established in 1989.
Draco Volans Kite Squad - Kite club in Pistoia, Italy.
Dutch Kite Symphony - Kite club in Denmark/Holland region.
Eastern League Sport Kite Association - Located in the Eastern United States
Essex Kiteflyers - Located in the Southwestern Ontario, Canada
Fano Classics - A Kite Society/Club for classic kites. Based in Fano, Denmark.
Fessel-Drachen Fliegern Stade e.V. - A Kite/Drachen Club, based in Germany.
Fighter Kite central - Learn everything about fighter kites, here!
Fighter Kites Italia - A fighter kite club in Italy, that make and fly all types of fighter kites. ITALY.
Fly Pittsburgh Kite Club - Serving western Pennsylvania.
Foothills Kite Club - Of Denver, Colorado
Fort Bonifacio Sport Kite Community - In the Manila, Philippines area of SE Asia.
Garland High School Kite Klub - A kite club formed in August 2008 by Garland, Texas High school students. Everyone is welcome to join!
German Parakart Association - The Kite Buggy group of Germany
Geometrie Volanti - An Italian Kite Club.
German Parakart Association - The Kite Buggy group of Germany
Golden Valley Kite Fliers (GVKF) - The Gloucestershire Branch of South Western Kite Fliers in the UK.
Great Lakes Kitefliers Society - Buffalo, New York
Great Ouse Kite Flyers - British Kite Club for almost 3 decades.
Grisu Kite Club - German Kite Club
Hamburg Drachen/Kite Club - Hamburg, Germany Kite Club based in North Germany.
Hamilton High Flyers - Hamilton, Canada Kite Club
Hoosier Kitefliers Society - Based in Indiana USA
Illinois Kite Enthusiast (IKE) - Based in Illinois, USA
International Kiteboarding Association (IKA) - Worldwide Mmembership for kiteboarders and kite surfers.
Irish Power Kite Sand Yacht Association - A power kiting club in Ireland, devoted to traction kiting.
Irvine Flyers (of Scotland) - A kiting club in Scotland.
Istanbul KiteFlyers Association (IBKA) - The only organized kite club in Turkey.
Italian Kitefliers Association - The AIAWeb looks forward to easing connections between kite lovers (skilled kitefliers or absolutely beginner), improving knowledge of italian ingenious kitefliers and kitemakers and of modern kiting around the world.
Japan Kite Association - The Japan Kite Association is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting mutual friendship and cultural exchange of the world, through Kite-Building and Kite-Flying.
Kansas City Kite Club - A great club in Kansas City, Kansas/Missori
Kent Kite Flyers - A club based in the UK.
Kiev Kite Flyers Club - A club based in Kiev, the capitol city of the Ukraine.
Kite Club of Scotland - A club based in Scotland, UK.
Kite Flyers of Tasmania - The official website for Tasmania's kite flying Club.
Kitefliers in Central Kentucky (KICK) - Located in the state of Kentucky, USA.
Kite Society of Finland - Located in Finland. All kite lfyers welcome!
Kite Sport - A kite club in Israel.
Kite Weekenders - Kite Weekenders kite club a social group for kite flying campers in southern UK, a spin off out of the Brighton Kite Flyers.
Kites in Central New York Skies - We are a group of kite fliers from the Central NY area.
Kites in Shrewsbury - A club In the Shrewsbury area of the UK.
Kites of Charleston - A club in Charleston, South Carolina, USA
Kites Over New England - A Kite club covering NH, VT, ME, MA, RI, CT for more than 25 years.
Kogui Kite Club - Kite club in Santafe de Bogota Colombia.
Korean Happy Kite Club - Based in South Korea.
Korean Kite Fliers Club - Based in South Korea.
Korean Traditional Kites Association - Based in South Korea.
KRACHT - Kite society in the middle of the Netherlands.
Kuwait Kites Team - Kite team in Kuwait.
Land Rover Club - French Traction Kiting Club
La Tribu Del Vento - Italian Kite Club.
Lavender Winds Kite Club - Located in Ocean Park, WA - Founded in 1990. A kite club established for gay and lesbian kiters, but open to all kiters!
Lehigh Valley Kite Society - Based in Bethlehem Township, Pennsylvania
Liberty High Spirits of 14B - The club flys at Liberty State Park in Jersey City, NJ - USA.
Loddon Valley Kite Flyers - The club in the Basingstoke area of the UK.
MAD KITERS -An on-line kite club.
Manjha Club International - Manjha fighter kite club of France.
Marti Kite Club - A kite club in Turkey, established in 1999.
Maryland Kite Society - Based in the state of Maryland, USA.
Mid-Michigan String Stretchers - Located in Central Michigan, USA
Midnight Squadron - Located in Central Maryland, USA
Midwest Winds Kitefliers - Located in Omaha, Nebraska
Minnesota Kite Society - Dedicated to the promotion of kite flying throughout the State of Minnesota.
NABX - North American Buggy Expo - The site for the biggest buggy and parakart gathering in the USA.
New Zealand Kitefliers Association - Down Under
Niagara Windriders Kitefliers Association - Of the Niagra Falls area of Canada.
North America Parakart Racing Association - A kite buggy club in North America.
North East Kite Fliers (UK) - England Kite club.
North Hants Buggy Club (UK) - Basingstoke area buggy club (UK).
Northern California Kite Club (NCKC) - Northern California Kite Club (NCKC) is a non-profit club, with the purpose of promoting the art of kite-flying and related activities.
Northwest Buggy Pilots Association - The NWBPA is no longer in existance, but the archives are still available, by clicking here.
Northwest Fighter Kite Association - A fighter kite club based in the pacific N.W. states of the USA.
Northwest Sport Kite league (NWSPKL) - A sport kite competition league in the Pacific N.W. states of the USA.
Not A Kite Club - A group of kite flyers who like to fly but don't adhere to strict rules of a kite club. Based in Ireland.
N.Y.K.E. - New York Kite Enthusiasts - Of New York
Ohio Kiters - Ohio Kiters are A dedicated group of kite flyers in the Dayton and Cincinnati areas of southern Ohio - USA.
Orlando Kite Flyers Association - A new club based in Central Florida - USA.
Padre Island Buggiers - Buggy and Kite club, based in Corpus Christi, Texas.
Phoenix Kite Club - Located in the city of HochiMinh City, Vietnam.
Pierce County Kitefliers Association (PCKA) - A kite club based in the Tacoma & Puyallup, Washington area.
Pocono Kite Symphony - A kite club based in the Eastern Pennsylvania area of the USA. The LVKS have also merged with them.
Poole Kite Fliers (UK) - Club info, UK traders, UK flying sites, Parachuting teddy bears, flying to music, links to other kite clubs (plus a few funnies).
Quad Cities Kite Club (QCKC) - A new club based in the Davenport, Iowa area - USA.
Queensland KiteFlyers Society - QKS is a group of dedicated kite flyers which fly in and around Brisbane and the state of Queensland Australia.
Randers Drage/Kite Club - Kite Club of Randers, east-Jutland, Denmark, Europe.
Redcliffe Kite Club - Located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Red Stick Kiters - Sport Kites, Single line kites, Large inflatable kites, and Traction kiters, All welcome!....Located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana - USA
Reno Nevada Kite Club - Located in Reno, Nevada USA.
Revguild - Revguild is a large dedicated quad line kite club for kiters that fly Revolution Kites. Revguild currently has members from Canada, US, UK, and Japan. Home base is in the south Tacoma, Washington state area - USA.
Richmond Air Force Kite Club - Of Richmond, Virginia - USA.
Rogue Valley Windchasers - Of Grants Pass in South central Oregon, USA.
Route 66 Kite Club - Of Arizona.
Royal City Fun Fliers - This is a no-competitive kite club. We fly for fun and enjoyment. All are welcome from beginer to expert.
SAKE - Suburban Atlanta Kite Enthusiasts.
SAKFA - The South African Kite Flyers Association - Association to promote and foster kite flying in South Africa.
San Diego Kite Club - Located in San Diego, California - USA
Sanooksky Sport Kite Club - Located in Bangkok, Thailand.
Scottish Power Kite Association - Representing power/traction kite flyers in Scotland.
Seagull Kite Club - A kite club in Turkey, established in 1999.
S.H.A.R.K. - South Houston Area Recreational Kiters - a family oriented club in the Houston and Galveston area of Texas - USA.
Sheffield Kite Fliers - A site for kiteflyers everywhere, not just in the UK. Featuring a newsletter, reviews, hints, tips, and pictures. Updated monthly.
Singapore Kite Association - Singapore Kite Association official website. Club founded by Shakib Gunn (Shakib died Feb 17, 2009, RIP!)
Sjaellands Drage Club - Kite Club in Sealand, Denmark.
Skyliners Kite Club - From Dieppe, NB, Canada
SkyRiders of Malaysia - From the west coast of Malaysia.
Solent Kite Flyers - Promoting kite flying in the Southampton/Eastleigh/New Forest area.
South Jersey Kite Flyers - Based in southern New Jersey, USA.
South Padre Island Kite Enthusiast (S.P.I.K.E.) - A kite club in South Padre Island Texas, USA.
STACK -The Official Main website - STACK (Sport Team and Competitive Kiting).
STACK France - Official website.
STACK Germany - Official website.
STACK Holland - Official website.
STACK Italy - Official website.
STACK Sweden - Official website.
Stijgkracht Kite Fliers Club - Located in the city of Emmen, State of Drenthe, in the Netherlands. This club host the largest kite festival in the Netherlands each year!
Suffolk Kite Flyers club - SKFC from Suffolk, England UK.
SUN CITY KITE CLUB - Of Jodhpur, India.
Sunset Flyers - Of Treasure Island, Florida area - USA.
Sweet Virginia Breeze - A website devoted to offering help and links to all kite related groups, stores, etc.. in Virginia.
Team Mangalore - A singe line kite display team/club from Mangalore, India
Texas Cloud Chasers - A new club for Texas kite fliers, in the Austin/San Antonio Texas area.
The Drachen Foundation - Located in the USA, the Drachen foundation helps promote kite culture at all levels, through education, lectures, exhibits, and grants.
The Kite Society of Great Britain - The leading organisation for kitefliers in Great Britain with over 3500 worldwide.
The Midlands Kite Fliers of Great Britain - UK Kite event calendar, membership benefits and contact details
The Mobius Flix Trick & Freestyle Kite Club - Located in the UK, created to help inform, instruct and promote friendship between all flyers, clubs etc. throughout the world, catering for trick and freestyle flyers wanting to learn, teach, give and get advice!
The Northern Kite Group - For Kite Fliers North of England, UK
The Parakart Association - For Kite buggy/parakart riders across Europe/UK.
TKO Sport Kite Team - An award winning sport kite demonstration team that has been invited to perform all over the world, performing sport kite team routines to music, individual dual line and quad line routines, and also flying single line kite displays.
The Triangle Kite Association - Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
The Topeka Kite Fliers - In Topeka, Kansas - USA
The Ventura County Kite Flyers - of California, USA
Thorpe Kite Flyers - Located in Thorpe St. Andrew, Norwich, UK
Tri-State Windriders Kite Club - A Kite Club in Michigan.
TISKK - Treasure Island Sport Kite Klub - Club in the Tampa, FL area.
Toronto Kite Fliers - A club based in Toronto, Canada.
United Kingdom Kite Clubs - A Complete list of UK kite clubs and kite stores/traders, list by county, and country. Many clubs don't have websites, but do have other contact and location info. UK
Up Up and Away Kite Club - Based in Seal Beach, California (Los Angeles area).
Utah Kite Fliers - Based in Utah, USA. Founded in 2008.
V6 Kite Team - A New Belgium Kite Team/Club
Vibrant Kite Club - A popular kite club located in India!
Washington Kitefliers Association - A Washington State Wide kite club - USA
West Coast Kite Club -UK club covering the Fylde coast of Lancashire.
Westport Windriders - A very active kite organization flying on the central Washington State Coast in the Westport/Grayland area.
Whidbey Island Kite Club - Kite club in the Puget Sound & Seattle area of Washington State, USA
White Horse Kite Flyers - In the UK.
Wind Climbers Kite Club - Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada
Wind Weavers Kite Club - Abilene, Texas USA
Wings Across Carolina Kiting & Okra Society - Kite club in the Charlotte, NC area dedicated to spreading the joy of kite flying.
Wings on Strings Kite Club - Located in Jamestown, North Dakota.
Wings Over the Red Kite Club - Located in Shreveport, Louisianna - USA.
Wings Over Washington Kite Club (WOW) - Based in Washington, DC - USA.
Wisconsin Kiter's Club - A club based in Wisconsin USA
30 Kite Club - Located in Genova, Italy.
4 Seasons Kite Club - Home for the Michigan Sport Kite Classic featuring single, dual, and quadline competitions, demonstrations and displays.
Adelaide Kite Flyers Association - Australian Kite Club in Adelaide.
Aerialis Kite Club - Located in Norway.
Ahmedabad Kite flyers Association - Located in Ahmedabad, India.
A.I.A.T. - Italian Power Kiting Association
All Japan Sport Kite Association (AJSKA) -
American Kitefliers Association - With over 4,000 members in 35 countries, the American Kitefliers Association is the largest association of kiters in the world.
American Kitefliers Association - Region 2 - A source of information for kite fliers in the American Kitefliers Association Region Two, which includes: New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and lower New York.
Asociacion Espanola de Kite Buggy (AEKB) - The National Kite Buggy Association of Espanola/Spain.
Associated Oregon Kiters (AOK) - Oregon's state wide kite club. Oregon, USA
Augassantas Kite Club - Kite Club in Spain.
Australian Kite Association - Australia's Premiere Kite Flying Association.
Australian Kiteflyers Society - The AKS is Australias largest kite society and was formed by kite-flyers in 1978.
Avon Kite Flyers (UK) - Kite club in Bristol, England.
Back 2 the Wind Kite Club - A Kite Club in S.W. Michigan, USA.
BaToCo - Argentinean Kite Club.
Bay Area Sport Kite League - The Bay Area Sport Kite League organizes and runs sport kite events in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Black Rock City - Department of Tethered Aviation. - An annual club gathering at Burning Man, in Northern Nevada, USA.
Black Swamp Air Force - Located in Toledo, Ohio
Blue Sky Kite Club - Located in Luxembourg / Europe
Brighton Kite Fliers - UK Club from the southern coast of England. Organisers of the Brighton kite festival.
British Buggy Club - For UK based parakarters. Provide insurance and other very important advice.
British Columbia Kitefliers Association (BCKA) - Based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (Southwest).
British Kite flying Association (BKFA) - A new kite organization in the UK.
Canadian Kite Federation - A new National kite organization in Canada.
Canadian Kite Riders - In Ontario, Canada
Central New Jersey Buggy Club - In New Jersey
Central Texas Kiteboarding Association - Founded in 2002 in Central Texas - USA
Cervia Volante - Official Website of Cervia Volante in Italy.
Chicagoland Sky Liners Kite Club - The kite club serving Northern Illinois
Cleeve Common Flyers - UK - A traction kiters club, that is based in the Cleeves common area of the UK.
Coastal Bend Sky Pirates - A Club in south Texas region, around Rockport, Fullerton, Corpus Christi.
Connectikiters Kite Club - We fly kites in Connecticut just for the Fun of it!
Crobatic North Winds Tivolivola Association - A kite club in Tivoli-Roma, Italy. Founded in 2000.
Current Chasing Kite Club - A club and kite manufacturer in Shenzhen, China. Stared in 2003.
DAKO - Dallas Area Kitefliers Organization. This is a club in the Dallas, Texas area.
Dakota Kite Flyers - In the South East area of South Dakota, USA.
Dansk Drage Klub -
Dark Horse Kite Fliers - Formed in 2008 in Fano, UK.
Doldrums Kite Club - Kite club in Gauteng, South Africa.
Drachen an Der Leine - A Kite/Drachen Club from Hannover, Germany, established in 1989.
Draco Volans Kite Squad - Kite club in Pistoia, Italy.
Dutch Kite Symphony - Kite club in Denmark/Holland region.
Eastern League Sport Kite Association - Located in the Eastern United States
Essex Kiteflyers - Located in the Southwestern Ontario, Canada
Fano Classics - A Kite Society/Club for classic kites. Based in Fano, Denmark.
Fessel-Drachen Fliegern Stade e.V. - A Kite/Drachen Club, based in Germany.
Fighter Kite central - Learn everything about fighter kites, here!
Fighter Kites Italia - A fighter kite club in Italy, that make and fly all types of fighter kites. ITALY.
Fly Pittsburgh Kite Club - Serving western Pennsylvania.
Foothills Kite Club - Of Denver, Colorado
Fort Bonifacio Sport Kite Community - In the Manila, Philippines area of SE Asia.
Garland High School Kite Klub - A kite club formed in August 2008 by Garland, Texas High school students. Everyone is welcome to join!
German Parakart Association - The Kite Buggy group of Germany
Geometrie Volanti - An Italian Kite Club.
German Parakart Association - The Kite Buggy group of Germany
Golden Valley Kite Fliers (GVKF) - The Gloucestershire Branch of South Western Kite Fliers in the UK.
Great Lakes Kitefliers Society - Buffalo, New York
Great Ouse Kite Flyers - British Kite Club for almost 3 decades.
Grisu Kite Club - German Kite Club
Hamburg Drachen/Kite Club - Hamburg, Germany Kite Club based in North Germany.
Hamilton High Flyers - Hamilton, Canada Kite Club
Hoosier Kitefliers Society - Based in Indiana USA
Illinois Kite Enthusiast (IKE) - Based in Illinois, USA
International Kiteboarding Association (IKA) - Worldwide Mmembership for kiteboarders and kite surfers.
Irish Power Kite Sand Yacht Association - A power kiting club in Ireland, devoted to traction kiting.
Irvine Flyers (of Scotland) - A kiting club in Scotland.
Istanbul KiteFlyers Association (IBKA) - The only organized kite club in Turkey.
Italian Kitefliers Association - The AIAWeb looks forward to easing connections between kite lovers (skilled kitefliers or absolutely beginner), improving knowledge of italian ingenious kitefliers and kitemakers and of modern kiting around the world.
Japan Kite Association - The Japan Kite Association is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting mutual friendship and cultural exchange of the world, through Kite-Building and Kite-Flying.
Kansas City Kite Club - A great club in Kansas City, Kansas/Missori
Kent Kite Flyers - A club based in the UK.
Kiev Kite Flyers Club - A club based in Kiev, the capitol city of the Ukraine.
Kite Club of Scotland - A club based in Scotland, UK.
Kite Flyers of Tasmania - The official website for Tasmania's kite flying Club.
Kitefliers in Central Kentucky (KICK) - Located in the state of Kentucky, USA.
Kite Society of Finland - Located in Finland. All kite lfyers welcome!
Kite Sport - A kite club in Israel.
Kite Weekenders - Kite Weekenders kite club a social group for kite flying campers in southern UK, a spin off out of the Brighton Kite Flyers.
Kites in Central New York Skies - We are a group of kite fliers from the Central NY area.
Kites in Shrewsbury - A club In the Shrewsbury area of the UK.
Kites of Charleston - A club in Charleston, South Carolina, USA
Kites Over New England - A Kite club covering NH, VT, ME, MA, RI, CT for more than 25 years.
Kogui Kite Club - Kite club in Santafe de Bogota Colombia.
Korean Happy Kite Club - Based in South Korea.
Korean Kite Fliers Club - Based in South Korea.
Korean Traditional Kites Association - Based in South Korea.
KRACHT - Kite society in the middle of the Netherlands.
Kuwait Kites Team - Kite team in Kuwait.
Land Rover Club - French Traction Kiting Club
La Tribu Del Vento - Italian Kite Club.
Lavender Winds Kite Club - Located in Ocean Park, WA - Founded in 1990. A kite club established for gay and lesbian kiters, but open to all kiters!
Lehigh Valley Kite Society - Based in Bethlehem Township, Pennsylvania
Liberty High Spirits of 14B - The club flys at Liberty State Park in Jersey City, NJ - USA.
Loddon Valley Kite Flyers - The club in the Basingstoke area of the UK.
MAD KITERS -An on-line kite club.
Manjha Club International - Manjha fighter kite club of France.
Marti Kite Club - A kite club in Turkey, established in 1999.
Maryland Kite Society - Based in the state of Maryland, USA.
Mid-Michigan String Stretchers - Located in Central Michigan, USA
Midnight Squadron - Located in Central Maryland, USA
Midwest Winds Kitefliers - Located in Omaha, Nebraska
Minnesota Kite Society - Dedicated to the promotion of kite flying throughout the State of Minnesota.
NABX - North American Buggy Expo - The site for the biggest buggy and parakart gathering in the USA.
New Zealand Kitefliers Association - Down Under
Niagara Windriders Kitefliers Association - Of the Niagra Falls area of Canada.
North America Parakart Racing Association - A kite buggy club in North America.
North East Kite Fliers (UK) - England Kite club.
North Hants Buggy Club (UK) - Basingstoke area buggy club (UK).
Northern California Kite Club (NCKC) - Northern California Kite Club (NCKC) is a non-profit club, with the purpose of promoting the art of kite-flying and related activities.
Northwest Buggy Pilots Association - The NWBPA is no longer in existance, but the archives are still available, by clicking here.
Northwest Fighter Kite Association - A fighter kite club based in the pacific N.W. states of the USA.
Northwest Sport Kite league (NWSPKL) - A sport kite competition league in the Pacific N.W. states of the USA.
Not A Kite Club - A group of kite flyers who like to fly but don't adhere to strict rules of a kite club. Based in Ireland.
N.Y.K.E. - New York Kite Enthusiasts - Of New York
Ohio Kiters - Ohio Kiters are A dedicated group of kite flyers in the Dayton and Cincinnati areas of southern Ohio - USA.
Orlando Kite Flyers Association - A new club based in Central Florida - USA.
Padre Island Buggiers - Buggy and Kite club, based in Corpus Christi, Texas.
Phoenix Kite Club - Located in the city of HochiMinh City, Vietnam.
Pierce County Kitefliers Association (PCKA) - A kite club based in the Tacoma & Puyallup, Washington area.
Pocono Kite Symphony - A kite club based in the Eastern Pennsylvania area of the USA. The LVKS have also merged with them.
Poole Kite Fliers (UK) - Club info, UK traders, UK flying sites, Parachuting teddy bears, flying to music, links to other kite clubs (plus a few funnies).
Quad Cities Kite Club (QCKC) - A new club based in the Davenport, Iowa area - USA.
Queensland KiteFlyers Society - QKS is a group of dedicated kite flyers which fly in and around Brisbane and the state of Queensland Australia.
Randers Drage/Kite Club - Kite Club of Randers, east-Jutland, Denmark, Europe.
Redcliffe Kite Club - Located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Red Stick Kiters - Sport Kites, Single line kites, Large inflatable kites, and Traction kiters, All welcome!....Located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana - USA
Reno Nevada Kite Club - Located in Reno, Nevada USA.
Revguild - Revguild is a large dedicated quad line kite club for kiters that fly Revolution Kites. Revguild currently has members from Canada, US, UK, and Japan. Home base is in the south Tacoma, Washington state area - USA.
Richmond Air Force Kite Club - Of Richmond, Virginia - USA.
Rogue Valley Windchasers - Of Grants Pass in South central Oregon, USA.
Route 66 Kite Club - Of Arizona.
Royal City Fun Fliers - This is a no-competitive kite club. We fly for fun and enjoyment. All are welcome from beginer to expert.
SAKE - Suburban Atlanta Kite Enthusiasts.
SAKFA - The South African Kite Flyers Association - Association to promote and foster kite flying in South Africa.
San Diego Kite Club - Located in San Diego, California - USA
Sanooksky Sport Kite Club - Located in Bangkok, Thailand.
Scottish Power Kite Association - Representing power/traction kite flyers in Scotland.
Seagull Kite Club - A kite club in Turkey, established in 1999.
S.H.A.R.K. - South Houston Area Recreational Kiters - a family oriented club in the Houston and Galveston area of Texas - USA.
Sheffield Kite Fliers - A site for kiteflyers everywhere, not just in the UK. Featuring a newsletter, reviews, hints, tips, and pictures. Updated monthly.
Singapore Kite Association - Singapore Kite Association official website. Club founded by Shakib Gunn (Shakib died Feb 17, 2009, RIP!)
Sjaellands Drage Club - Kite Club in Sealand, Denmark.
Skyliners Kite Club - From Dieppe, NB, Canada
SkyRiders of Malaysia - From the west coast of Malaysia.
Solent Kite Flyers - Promoting kite flying in the Southampton/Eastleigh/New Forest area.
South Jersey Kite Flyers - Based in southern New Jersey, USA.
South Padre Island Kite Enthusiast (S.P.I.K.E.) - A kite club in South Padre Island Texas, USA.
STACK -The Official Main website - STACK (Sport Team and Competitive Kiting).
STACK France - Official website.
STACK Germany - Official website.
STACK Holland - Official website.
STACK Italy - Official website.
STACK Sweden - Official website.
Stijgkracht Kite Fliers Club - Located in the city of Emmen, State of Drenthe, in the Netherlands. This club host the largest kite festival in the Netherlands each year!
Suffolk Kite Flyers club - SKFC from Suffolk, England UK.
SUN CITY KITE CLUB - Of Jodhpur, India.
Sunset Flyers - Of Treasure Island, Florida area - USA.
Sweet Virginia Breeze - A website devoted to offering help and links to all kite related groups, stores, etc.. in Virginia.
Team Mangalore - A singe line kite display team/club from Mangalore, India
Texas Cloud Chasers - A new club for Texas kite fliers, in the Austin/San Antonio Texas area.
The Drachen Foundation - Located in the USA, the Drachen foundation helps promote kite culture at all levels, through education, lectures, exhibits, and grants.
The Kite Society of Great Britain - The leading organisation for kitefliers in Great Britain with over 3500 worldwide.
The Midlands Kite Fliers of Great Britain - UK Kite event calendar, membership benefits and contact details
The Mobius Flix Trick & Freestyle Kite Club - Located in the UK, created to help inform, instruct and promote friendship between all flyers, clubs etc. throughout the world, catering for trick and freestyle flyers wanting to learn, teach, give and get advice!
The Northern Kite Group - For Kite Fliers North of England, UK
The Parakart Association - For Kite buggy/parakart riders across Europe/UK.
TKO Sport Kite Team - An award winning sport kite demonstration team that has been invited to perform all over the world, performing sport kite team routines to music, individual dual line and quad line routines, and also flying single line kite displays.
The Triangle Kite Association - Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
The Topeka Kite Fliers - In Topeka, Kansas - USA
The Ventura County Kite Flyers - of California, USA
Thorpe Kite Flyers - Located in Thorpe St. Andrew, Norwich, UK
Tri-State Windriders Kite Club - A Kite Club in Michigan.
TISKK - Treasure Island Sport Kite Klub - Club in the Tampa, FL area.
Toronto Kite Fliers - A club based in Toronto, Canada.
United Kingdom Kite Clubs - A Complete list of UK kite clubs and kite stores/traders, list by county, and country. Many clubs don't have websites, but do have other contact and location info. UK
Up Up and Away Kite Club - Based in Seal Beach, California (Los Angeles area).
Utah Kite Fliers - Based in Utah, USA. Founded in 2008.
V6 Kite Team - A New Belgium Kite Team/Club
Vibrant Kite Club - A popular kite club located in India!
Washington Kitefliers Association - A Washington State Wide kite club - USA
West Coast Kite Club -UK club covering the Fylde coast of Lancashire.
Westport Windriders - A very active kite organization flying on the central Washington State Coast in the Westport/Grayland area.
Whidbey Island Kite Club - Kite club in the Puget Sound & Seattle area of Washington State, USA
White Horse Kite Flyers - In the UK.
Wind Climbers Kite Club - Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada
Wind Weavers Kite Club - Abilene, Texas USA
Wings Across Carolina Kiting & Okra Society - Kite club in the Charlotte, NC area dedicated to spreading the joy of kite flying.
Wings on Strings Kite Club - Located in Jamestown, North Dakota.
Wings Over the Red Kite Club - Located in Shreveport, Louisianna - USA.
Wings Over Washington Kite Club (WOW) - Based in Washington, DC - USA.
Wisconsin Kiter's Club - A club based in Wisconsin USA
Kite Club
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